The Prison Guard Calling to Save Ramiro’s Life

Dear Friends:

Listen to her words. And then join her call. Please watch this video from a correctional officer who works on Texas’s death row. She is calling on the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to save Ramiro Gonzales’s life. And then join your voice with hers. Please email the Board of Pardons and Paroles and tell them to save Ramiro’s life,, and call Governor Greg Abbott in support of clemency for Ramiro: (512) 463-2000.

As I wrote to you last week, the State of Texas plans to execute Ramiro on July 13 for a crime he committed when he was barely 18 years old. But Ramiro has changed. As this correctional officer, who has known Ramiro for five years, explained, “Ramiro is genuine. He believes in God. He holds his faith high.”

She is not the only correctional officer on Texas death row who sees Ramiro’s deep faith. A second correctional officer also joined her plea to the Board of Pardons and Paroles. This second correctional officer told the Board that Ramiro is always reading the Bible when she walks by his cell. One day, Ramiro noticed she was having a hard time, and Ramiro said to her, “Don’t let them change your spirit. Pray. You’ll be okay.”

In the words of Ramiro’s pastor, “Ramiro relates to his faith, relates to God, relates to the people around him”; she shared that Ramiro has an extraordinary ability “to connect with others and move them, and move them in love.”

Let us also move in love, and together tell the Board of Pardons and Paroles to not execute Ramiro Gonzales in our name.

With Gratitude,

Burke Butler
Executive Director
Texas Defender Service

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