The Doctor Who Once Called Ramiro a Danger Says He Was Wrong

Dear Friends:

When Ramiro Gonzales was tried for a capital crime he committed when he was barely 18 years old, psychiatrist Edward B. Gripon testified for the prosecutor that Ramiro posed a future danger to society. Dr. Gripon now says he was wrong; Ramiro should live.

After conducting another psychiatric evaluation of Ramiro this year, Dr. Gripon saw with his own eyes how Ramiro had transformed his life while in prison, and the immense work Ramiro has done to come to terms with the unspeakable childhood trauma he experienced. Dr. Gripon has now taken back his original testimony and concluded that Ramiro is not a threat to society and will not commit future violent acts.

Will you join Dr. Gripon and so many others in asking the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole to stop Ramiro’s execution on July 13?

At the time of the commission of this offense Mr. Gonzales was barely 18 years old. With the passage of time and significant maturity he is now a significantly different person both mentally and emotionally. This represents a very positive change for the better. -Edward B. Gripon, MD

If you also believe in the human capacity to change, please stand with Ramiro, his family, advocates at Texas Defender Service and the Capital Punishment Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin, and professionals who have spent time with Ramiro personally, like Dr. Gripon. Sign this petition and tell the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles that Ramiro deserves a chance to live.

With Gratitude,

Burke Butler
Executive Director
Texas Defender Service

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P.S. If you would like to hear Dr. Gripon speak about Ramiro, please check out this video.