Category: Uncategorized

Saving Lives

Saving Lives

Dear Friends, Since 1995, TDS has saved countless lives, and our life-saving legal representation continues to this day. So far this year, TDS has already stopped two death sentences. Prosecutors had charged two of our clients with capital murder, but—because of our vigorous pretrial advocacy in both cases—they ultimately agreed to seek a lesser punishment. […]

You Can Save Melissa Lucio

You Can Save Melissa Lucio

Dear Friends, We need you to save Melissa Lucio. On April 27th, Texas plans to execute Melissa—a mother of twelve—for a crime that did not happen. You can stop it. Call Governor Greg Abbott now and leave him a voicemail: 956-446-2866. Tell him to stop Melissa’s execution. Melissa’s two-year-old daughter Mariah died in 2007, days […]