Category: TDS News

We Protected Terrance from Society’s Harshest Punishment

We Protected Terrance from Society’s Harshest Punishment

Dear Friends: We have saved another life. Because of Texas Defender Service’s years-long, intricate investigation, a Texas District Attorney has agreed to drop capital charges against our client Terrance. Terrance’s is the 33rd life we have saved from the death penalty in four years. I have shared Terrance’s full story with you at the end of this […]

One of the 32 Lives We’ve Saved in Four Years

One of the 32 Lives We’ve Saved in Four Years

Dear Friends: Texas Defender Service has saved 32 lives in just the last four years.  Let me repeat that: 32 lives. That’s 24 pretrial clients saved from a death sentence, 1 client who received a sentence less than death at trial, 5 clients released from death row, and 2 clients’ executions stopped … just since 2018. The most recent […]

We Are Expanding Our Mission – And Our Impact

We Are Expanding Our Mission – And Our Impact

Dear Friends: I have exciting news to share with you. After over a quarter century of driving down new executions and death sentences in the Lone Star State, Texas Defender Service is expanding its mission: we will now fight for the end of mass incarceration and excessive punishment in Texas through direct representation, policy reform, and […]

Ramiro’s Execution Has Been Stopped!

Ramiro’s Execution Has Been Stopped!

Dear Friends: We have exciting news to share with you tonight: Ramiro Gonzales’s execution has been stopped. Just hours ago, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals stayed Ramiro’s execution, scheduled for Wednesday, because the State’s expert relied on false evidence when he said that Ramiro would be a future danger to society. Thank you for […]

Support Ramiro’s Transformation By Signing This Petition to Save His Life

Support Ramiro’s Transformation By Signing This Petition to Save His Life

Dear Friends: Ramiro Gonzales is a living, breathing example of our human capacity to transform and heal. And now Ramiro wants to give life to others: Over the past year and a half, on the inspiration of a spiritual counselor, Ramiro has sought to become an in vivo kidney donor, and donate his kidney as […]

The Doctor Who Once Called Ramiro a Danger Says He Was Wrong

The Doctor Who Once Called Ramiro a Danger Says He Was Wrong

Dear Friends: When Ramiro Gonzales was tried for a capital crime he committed when he was barely 18 years old, psychiatrist Edward B. Gripon testified for the prosecutor that Ramiro posed a future danger to society. Dr. Gripon now says he was wrong; Ramiro should live. After conducting another psychiatric evaluation of Ramiro this year, […]