Ashlee Wiggington

The Prison Guard Calling to Save Ramiro’s Life

The Prison Guard Calling to Save Ramiro’s Life

Dear Friends: Listen to her words. And then join her call. Please watch this video from a correctional officer who works on Texas’s death row. She is calling on the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to save Ramiro Gonzales’s life. And then join your voice with hers. Please email the Board of Pardons and […]

Love, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness

Love, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness

Dear Friends, “Love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, all these actions of God—that’s what’s really, really been so instrumental in my life.” These are the words of Ramiro Gonzales, a man the State of Texas plans to execute on July 13. Please watch this video about Ramiro’s life. Today—and in the coming weeks—we will be sharing his […]

Texas Defender Service’s New Executive Director

Texas Defender Service’s New Executive Director

Dear Friends, Today I have the pleasure of writing to you as Texas Defender Service’s new Executive Director. I am honored to take the helm at TDS and lead our incredible, vibrant team in our mission to build a fairer and more just criminal punishment system in Texas. Against the odds, TDS has, since its […]

Saving Lives

Saving Lives

Dear Friends, Since 1995, TDS has saved countless lives, and our life-saving legal representation continues to this day. So far this year, TDS has already stopped two death sentences. Prosecutors had charged two of our clients with capital murder, but—because of our vigorous pretrial advocacy in both cases—they ultimately agreed to seek a lesser punishment. […]

You Can Save Melissa Lucio

You Can Save Melissa Lucio

Dear Friends, We need you to save Melissa Lucio. On April 27th, Texas plans to execute Melissa—a mother of twelve—for a crime that did not happen. You can stop it. Call Governor Greg Abbott now and leave him a voicemail: 956-446-2866. Tell him to stop Melissa’s execution. Melissa’s two-year-old daughter Mariah died in 2007, days […]